
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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Color is the preferred spelling in American English, and colour is preferred in all other main varieties of English The distinction extends to all derivatives of the word Colored, coloring, colorer, colorful, and discolor are the US spellings, and coloured, colouring, colourer, colourful, and discolour are preferred outside the USColoured 1 an individual who is not a White person, esp a Black person 2 (in South Africa) a person of racially mixed parentage or descent 3 designating or relating to a Coloured person or Coloured peopleUnder Apartheid, under the Population Registration Act as amended, the term Cape Coloured referred to a subset of Coloured South Africans, with subjective criteria having been used by the bureaucracy to determine whether a person was a Cape Coloured, or belonged to one of a number of other related subgroups such as the "Cape Malays", or "Other Coloured Girl Swag Videos Facebook Coloured pencil drawing

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